04.01 Data Frames

The DataFrame is just a collection of Series with a common index. It can be understood as a two-dimensional representation of data, similar to a spreadsheet. Contrary to a two dimensional NumPy array, indexing a data frame with a single value produces the column not the row. Yet, indexing it with two values produces the row and the column just like in a NumPy array.

Let's import the libraries until now.

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

Constructing the data frame can be performed in several ways, below is the most common way of using a dictionary of arrays. Each dictionary key-value pair becomes a column (a Series).

We add more data to our example on the British Isles. It is common to name a data frame as df.

In [2]:
country = ['Northern Ireland', 'Scotland', 'Wales', 'England', 'Isle of Man', 'Ireland']
capital = ['Belfast', 'Edinburgh', 'Cardiff', 'London', 'Douglas', 'Dublin']
state = ['United Kingdom', 'United Kingdom', 'United Kingdom',
         'United Kingdom', 'Isle of Man', 'Republic of Ireland']
monarch = ['Elizabeth II', 'Elizabeth II', 'Elizabeth II',
           'Elizabeth II', 'Elizabeth II', None]
area = np.array([14130, 77933, 20779, 130279, 572, 70273])
population2001 = [1.686e6, 5.064e6,  np.nan, 48.65e6, 77.703e3,  np.nan]
population2011 = [1.811e6, 5.281e6, 3.057e6, 53.01e6, 84.886e3, 4.571e6]
df = pd.DataFrame({'capital': capital,
                   'state': state,
                   'monarch': monarch,
                   'area': area,
                   'population 2001': population2001,
                   'population 2011': population2011,
capital state monarch area population 2001 population 2011
Northern Ireland Belfast United Kingdom Elizabeth II 14130 1686000.0 1811000.0
Scotland Edinburgh United Kingdom Elizabeth II 77933 5064000.0 5281000.0
Wales Cardiff United Kingdom Elizabeth II 20779 NaN 3057000.0
England London United Kingdom Elizabeth II 130279 48650000.0 53010000.0
Isle of Man Douglas Isle of Man Elizabeth II 572 77703.0 84886.0
Ireland Dublin Republic of Ireland None 70273 NaN 4571000.0

The underlying NumPy arrays can be concatenated and returned using .values. Note however that since we have different data types, the NumPy array will have the dtype=object, meaning an array of Python objects. A memory inefficient representation.

In [3]:
array = df.values
array([['Belfast', 'United Kingdom', 'Elizabeth II', 14130, 1686000.0,
       ['Edinburgh', 'United Kingdom', 'Elizabeth II', 77933, 5064000.0,
       ['Cardiff', 'United Kingdom', 'Elizabeth II', 20779, nan,
       ['London', 'United Kingdom', 'Elizabeth II', 130279, 48650000.0,
       ['Douglas', 'Isle of Man', 'Elizabeth II', 572, 77703.0, 84886.0],
       ['Dublin', 'Republic of Ireland', None, 70273, nan, 4571000.0]],

Since the NumPy array can only hold one data type. The array casted every data type to a Python object. In reality NumPy arrays support compound data types but these are considerably more complicated to use the data frames.

We have the same data in NumPy and pandas, and we can index it. In NumPy a plain index produces a row.

In [4]:
array(['Belfast', 'United Kingdom', 'Elizabeth II', 14130, 1686000.0,
       1811000.0], dtype=object)

Where in pandas a single index produces a column.

In [5]:
Northern Ireland     14130
Scotland             77933
Wales                20779
England             130279
Isle of Man            572
Ireland              70273
Name: area, dtype: int64

Yet, there is a twist. Using the implicit index (.iloc) produces the same behavior as NumPy.

In [6]:
capital                   Belfast
state              United Kingdom
monarch              Elizabeth II
area                        14130
population 2001         1.686e+06
population 2011         1.811e+06
Name: Northern Ireland, dtype: object

Columns with simple names can be accessed as attributes.

In [7]:
Northern Ireland     14130
Scotland             77933
Wales                20779
England             130279
Isle of Man            572
Ireland              70273
Name: area, dtype: int64

Finally, multi-indexing works in the same way as NumPy: One provides first the row and then the column. And slicing works too.

In [8]:
df.loc['England', 'capital':'area']
capital            London
state      United Kingdom
monarch      Elizabeth II
area               130279
Name: England, dtype: object

Since fancy indexing works, we can select columns and then take the underlying NumPy array with a single data type.

In [9]:
array = df[['area', 'population 2001', 'population 2011']].values
array, array.dtype
(array([[1.41300e+04, 1.68600e+06, 1.81100e+06],
        [7.79330e+04, 5.06400e+06, 5.28100e+06],
        [2.07790e+04,         nan, 3.05700e+06],
        [1.30279e+05, 4.86500e+07, 5.30100e+07],
        [5.72000e+02, 7.77030e+04, 8.48860e+04],
        [7.02730e+04,         nan, 4.57100e+06]]),


Data frames have several useful methods to give a feel for the data. With a reasonable amount of data you'd rather not want thousands of rows to be printed. What you want are methods to give you the data you are after quickly.

For example, looking at the beginning or end of sorted values will show outliers. And in order to have sorted value we sort the index. In this case we do not sort it in place, although the final result is the same once we assign the variable back to itself.

In [10]:
df = df.sort_index()
capital state monarch area population 2001 population 2011
England London United Kingdom Elizabeth II 130279 48650000.0 53010000.0
Ireland Dublin Republic of Ireland None 70273 NaN 4571000.0
Isle of Man Douglas Isle of Man Elizabeth II 572 77703.0 84886.0
Northern Ireland Belfast United Kingdom Elizabeth II 14130 1686000.0 1811000.0
Scotland Edinburgh United Kingdom Elizabeth II 77933 5064000.0 5281000.0
Wales Cardiff United Kingdom Elizabeth II 20779 NaN 3057000.0

The index is sorted, Therefore we get the countries in alphabetical order.

In [11]:
capital state monarch area population 2001 population 2011
England London United Kingdom Elizabeth II 130279 48650000.0 53010000.0
Ireland Dublin Republic of Ireland None 70273 NaN 4571000.0
Isle of Man Douglas Isle of Man Elizabeth II 572 77703.0 84886.0

Sorted by area, should give us the biggest countries.

In [12]:
capital state monarch area population 2001 population 2011
Ireland Dublin Republic of Ireland None 70273 NaN 4571000.0
Scotland Edinburgh United Kingdom Elizabeth II 77933 5064000.0 5281000.0
England London United Kingdom Elizabeth II 130279 48650000.0 53010000.0

The length of a data frame is the number of rows it has.

In [13]:

The describe and info methods print two distinct types of statistics about the data frame. One gives the statistical view of each column.

In [14]:
area population 2001 population 2011
count 6.000000 4.000000e+00 6.000000e+00
mean 52327.666667 1.386943e+07 1.130248e+07
std 49370.249324 2.327997e+07 2.051828e+07
min 572.000000 7.770300e+04 8.488600e+04
25% 15792.250000 1.283926e+06 2.122500e+06
50% 45526.000000 3.375000e+06 3.814000e+06
75% 76018.000000 1.596050e+07 5.103500e+06
max 130279.000000 4.865000e+07 5.301000e+07

And the other gives you a memory layout.

In [15]:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 6 entries, England to Wales
Data columns (total 6 columns):
 #   Column           Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------           --------------  -----  
 0   capital          6 non-null      object 
 1   state            6 non-null      object 
 2   monarch          5 non-null      object 
 3   area             6 non-null      int64  
 4   population 2001  4 non-null      float64
 5   population 2011  6 non-null      float64
dtypes: float64(2), int64(1), object(3)
memory usage: 336.0+ bytes

The data frame can also display plots (using Matplotlib) directly. That said, if we want to display the plots within the notebook or style them, we need to perform the matplotlib setup ourselves.

In [16]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

We can see the population growth in a graph.

Here pandas gives us a handle to the plot, which we then use to get better ticks on the vertical axis with matplotlib calls. One can get the tick values from the axis itself and then transform them into the labels of their liking.

In [17]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, 7))
plot = df[['population 2001', 'population 2011']].plot(kind='bar', ax=ax)
ticks = ['%.0f M' % (x / 1e6) for x in plot.yaxis.get_majorticklocs()]

And, on a logarithmic scale, we can see the relation between area and population.

Here we also use annotations, this is a matplotlib feature. It annotates the string (first argument) over a point on the graph (two coordinates - as a tuple, list or series).

In [18]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, 9))
plot = df.plot(kind='scatter', x='population 2001', y='area', loglog=True, ax=ax)
for k, v in df[['population 2001', 'area']].iterrows():
    plot.axes.annotate(k, xy=v, xytext=(v[0], v[1]*1.2), ha='center', size=12)

Do not be fooled that the population density is the same in all four countries is the same. Population density is population divided by area, and since we have a straight line on the graph we may be inclined to think that the population and are grow in the same fashion. That would be a lie, both graph axes are in logarithmic scales due to loglog=True, hence masking the real ratio between population and area. Lying with graphs and statistics is easy, don't fall prey to it. Plots in pandas give the convenience of doing the logarithms on the fly, there are also the options for logx= and logy= for finer control.

Plotting with pandas is useful when one needs something quick and dirty to see the data. Yet in order to make a presentable graph, more often than not one will need to rely on matplotlib. Either by taking the data from the underlying NumPy array

Missing data

More often than not real world data is incomplete in some way. Missing data is represented in several ways, numeric values often use NaN (Not a Number) which are actual IEEE 754 float standard NaNs. String values will sometimes use the Python None value, or sometime an empty string. One must be careful with empty strings because the isnull does not consider empty strings to be nulls.

This also means that the data type of the array underlying a Series with missing data must be either a float or a Python object. For non-floating point data types NaNs become rather complicated. Several solutions have been attempted over the decades on how to handle NaN values, with varied degree of success. pandas attempts to use its own NaN solution, namely the value pd.NA. At the time of writing you are likely to encounter pandas versions using that as its default NaN treatment for some data types, whilst using the IEEE 754 standard for other data types. It is too early to argue which types will settle for which values for missing data, be wary.

Let's look at a dataset where missing data is a natural occurrence. Different countries in the British Isles have different governing structures, for example counties do not exist in either Scotland or the Republic of Ireland. Moreover, the $2001$ census of the United Kingdom was not performed in the countries outside of the United Kingdom.

In [19]:
city = ['Liverpool', 'Manchester', 'Cardiff',
        'Swansea', 'Douglas', 'Belfast',
        'Glasgow', 'Edinburgh', 'Dublin']
country = ['England', 'England', 'Wales',
           'Wales', 'Isle of Man',
           'Northern Ireland', 'Scotland',
           'Scotland', 'Ireland']
county = ['Merseyside', 'Greater Manchester', 'South Glamorgan',
          'West Glamorgan', None,  'County Antrim and County Down',
          None, None, None]
population2001 = [435500, 405300, 305353,
                  270506, np.nan, 276459,
                  577869, 448624, np.nan]
population2011 = [466400, 503127, 335145,
                  239023,  27938, 333871,
                  593200, 476600, 554550]
df = pd.DataFrame({'county': county,
                   'country': country,
                   'population 2001': population2001,
                   'population 2011': population2011,
county country population 2001 population 2011
Liverpool Merseyside England 435500.0 466400
Manchester Greater Manchester England 405300.0 503127
Cardiff South Glamorgan Wales 305353.0 335145
Swansea West Glamorgan Wales 270506.0 239023
Douglas None Isle of Man NaN 27938
Belfast County Antrim and County Down Northern Ireland 276459.0 333871
Glasgow None Scotland 577869.0 593200
Edinburgh None Scotland 448624.0 476600
Dublin None Ireland NaN 554550

pandas data frames have the dropna an fillna methods that (unsurprisingly) drop or fill in values for NaNs. Dropping can be done by row or column.

In [20]:
county country population 2001 population 2011
Liverpool Merseyside England 435500.0 466400
Manchester Greater Manchester England 405300.0 503127
Cardiff South Glamorgan Wales 305353.0 335145
Swansea West Glamorgan Wales 270506.0 239023
Belfast County Antrim and County Down Northern Ireland 276459.0 333871

We lost the data for the Isle of Man, despite the fact that it has data for 2011. Instead we can drop the incomplete columns.

In [21]:
country population 2011
Liverpool England 466400
Manchester England 503127
Cardiff Wales 335145
Swansea Wales 239023
Douglas Isle of Man 27938
Belfast Northern Ireland 333871
Glasgow Scotland 593200
Edinburgh Scotland 476600
Dublin Ireland 554550

That's better. But we are still losing a lot of data.

Also note that instead of NumPys axis=0 and axis=1, in pandas one can use axis='index' and axis='columns'. That is, most of the time, some pandas functions do accept axis='row' and axis='col', beware.

Filling NaNs instead of losing entire rows and columns can be performed in three different ways: we can provide a value into fillna to substitute the NaNs for (e.g. .fillna(0)); or we can use the method= argument to use a predefined way of filling the NaNs from the data itself. The method= can be either pad/ffill which will fill each NaN with a previous (non-NaN) value seen; or it can be backfill/bfill which will fill a NaN from the next value. Filling can be performed column or row wise. But column wise filling is almost never used since columns can have different data types.

In [22]:
df_fill = df.fillna(method='ffill', axis='index')
county country population 2001 population 2011
Liverpool Merseyside England 435500.0 466400
Manchester Greater Manchester England 405300.0 503127
Cardiff South Glamorgan Wales 305353.0 335145
Swansea West Glamorgan Wales 270506.0 239023
Douglas West Glamorgan Isle of Man 270506.0 27938
Belfast County Antrim and County Down Northern Ireland 276459.0 333871
Glasgow County Antrim and County Down Scotland 577869.0 593200
Edinburgh County Antrim and County Down Scotland 448624.0 476600
Dublin County Antrim and County Down Ireland 448624.0 554550

That seems to have worked but not quite. Perhaps we should leave the missing data in the county column. One can assign columns directly by name.

In [23]:
df_fill['county'] = df['county']
county country population 2001 population 2011
Liverpool Merseyside England 435500.0 466400
Manchester Greater Manchester England 405300.0 503127
Cardiff South Glamorgan Wales 305353.0 335145
Swansea West Glamorgan Wales 270506.0 239023
Douglas None Isle of Man 270506.0 27938
Belfast County Antrim and County Down Northern Ireland 276459.0 333871
Glasgow None Scotland 577869.0 593200
Edinburgh None Scotland 448624.0 476600
Dublin None Ireland 448624.0 554550

Once again better but a handful of things still look off. The population for 2011 are integers whilst the population for 2001 are floats. This is because the population for 2001 did contain np.nan just a moment ago, and that can only be represented as a IEEE 754 float number.

We can ask pandas to convert all values to a more common representation.

In [24]:
df_fill = df_fill.convert_dtypes()
county country population 2001 population 2011
Liverpool Merseyside England 435500 466400
Manchester Greater Manchester England 405300 503127
Cardiff South Glamorgan Wales 305353 335145
Swansea West Glamorgan Wales 270506 239023
Douglas <NA> Isle of Man 270506 27938
Belfast County Antrim and County Down Northern Ireland 276459 333871
Glasgow <NA> Scotland 577869 593200
Edinburgh <NA> Scotland 448624 476600
Dublin <NA> Ireland 448624 554550

The numbers look alright.

But now the county column seems off. The representation of <NA> is the value pd.NA, a common missing value representation inside pandas.

We said that we can index a data frame as a two dimensional NumPy array. Knowing that we can ask for the explicit index and verify that the <NA> in the county for Dublin is indeed pd.NA.

In [25]:
df_fill.loc['Dublin', 'county'] is pd.NA

String methods

Another extra feature that does not exist in NumPy arrays are methods that work on string content, just like Python string methods. The str object of a Series (of a column of a data frame) is used to call string methods on each element, efficiently. The result is either a boolean Series that can then be used to retrieve rows from the data frame, or a new string Series modified by the operation.

In [26]:
Liverpool      True
Manchester     True
Cardiff       False
Swansea       False
Douglas       False
Belfast        True
Glasgow        True
Edinburgh      True
Dublin         True
Name: country, dtype: boolean

Here we see the cities (the index) of countries which contain the string "land" in their names, Scotland, England and both cases of Ireland.

Several regular expression methods are supported as well. And just as with NumPy masking we can use the boolean data frames to index the original data frame. When masking a data frame the booleans are considered as rows.

In [27]:
county country population 2001 population 2011
Cardiff South Glamorgan Wales 305353 335145
Swansea West Glamorgan Wales 270506 239023
Douglas <NA> Isle of Man 270506 27938
Belfast County Antrim and County Down Northern Ireland 276459 333871
Dublin <NA> Ireland 448624 554550

We got all countries that have the lowercase letter "r" or the lowercase letter "e". Notably England is excluded because the search is case sensitive. Moreover, the search is using a regular expression, or regex for short.

Regex crash course

The purpose of regular expressions is to either match or not match strings or parts of strings. The string is matched character by character with some regex special characters forming expressions to match several possibilities at once. A simple character matches itself, whilst a regex expression can match a plethora of things. Some common regex expressions follow.

expression match
abc exact match "abc"
. any single character
[abc] one character cited
[^abc] one character NOT cited
a* zero or more times "a"
a+ one or more times "a"
a? zero or one times "a"
\w any word character
\W any not word character
\s any space character
\S any not space character
(ab) grouping
(ab)+ zero or more times entire match
\1 or $1 repeat grouped match

Regular expressions can be complex, entire books have been written on them. But just a couple of minutes can get you started. For example:


Matches "yay", "zoink" and "kazoom" but does not match "bang", "flush" or "slap".

Comic Bat


Several non-regex Python string functions are present too. And we can use the index as a search base as well.

In [28]:
county country population 2001 population 2011
Liverpool Merseyside England 435500.0 466400

Most string Python methods are available, including procedures that change the string instead of just returning boolean values. A changed Series is returned.

In [29]:
Liverpool                        MERSEYSIDE
Manchester               GREATER MANCHESTER
Cardiff                     SOUTH GLAMORGAN
Swansea                      WEST GLAMORGAN
Douglas                                None
Glasgow                                None
Edinburgh                              None
Dublin                                 None
Name: county, dtype: object

Note that this respects the missing data, although it may require extra work with data types.

Often one does not want to modify the data in place, one wants to keep the data in its original form. Since the generated Series one can just assign the modified column as a new column For example, the first letter of the country.

In [30]:
df['initial'] = df['country'].str[0].str.upper()
county country population 2001 population 2011 initial
Liverpool Merseyside England 435500.0 466400 E
Manchester Greater Manchester England 405300.0 503127 E
Cardiff South Glamorgan Wales 305353.0 335145 W
Swansea West Glamorgan Wales 270506.0 239023 W
Douglas None Isle of Man NaN 27938 I
Belfast County Antrim and County Down Northern Ireland 276459.0 333871 N
Glasgow None Scotland 577869.0 593200 S
Edinburgh None Scotland 448624.0 476600 S
Dublin None Ireland NaN 554550 I

Note above that the str attribute has been used two times, the first use generated a Series and the second use of str has been on this second series.

The indexing on the str worked the same way as indexing within Python strings.